Master Rank
Master Rank
Conquer Sunbreak's toughest monsters with these powerful progression builds!
So you've made it to Master Rank, congrats! Things are going to get significantly more challenging from here. Monsters are more aggressive with new movesets, hit considerably harder, and have much larger health pools.
This guide is based on Chef's Monster Hunter Rise progression guide. Big thanks for doing all the research and work to put this together ð I've added some optimizations to account for the changes caused by the Expansion.
ð Chef's Monster Hunter Rise Progression GuideSetting Off To Elgado - 1â
So you've made it to Master Rank, congrats! Things are gonna get a bit more difficult from here. Monsters will hit harder, attack faster and are also more tanky. But don't worry, because in this section we'll go over some builds that will help you get through the Sunbreak story.
Master Rank weapons no longer have rampage skills. Instead they have rampage slots and there's Rampage Decorations that can be slotted into them. We can already craft some really powerful ones at MR1. The ones we want are the anti-species ones: anti air, anti aquatic, anti Dragon and anti fanged. If using the correct one against a monster we get a 5% Raw Damage boost. Here you can find a chart that shows which Decoration works against which monster:
𧎠Anti Species ChartAfter reaching Elgado, Utsushi will teach us Scroll swapping as well as new Switch Skills. For Lance we get an alternative to Guard Dash called Shield Tackle. It's quite useful and can change the way we play the weapon. So if you are interested in trying it out, make sure to check out the Switch Skills Guide:
ð Switch Skills GuideAfter defeating a Daimyo Hermitaur we'll arrive at the Elgado Outpost. Soon after we'll unlock a new locale: The Jungle. The first few quests encourage us to explore The Jungle and gather some materials.
We want to mine as many Outcrops as possible so we can craft our first Master Rank Lance. Once again we'll be switching back to the Ore Tree with the Elder Babel Spear+.
For the armor we'll be mostly using Barroth armor. It's really good since it comes with most Core Skills we want. Some of the armor pieces are so good we're gonna be using them for a long time.
Master Rank Starter Set

Almost full Barroth armor gives us Attack Boost, Guard and Offensive Guard right from the start all our core skills in one set.
White sharpness with Protective Polish helps us maintain damage output, while using the right Rampage Decoration against each monster gives us a nice damage boost.
Careful! It's Gonna Blow - 2â
After hunting a Blood Orange Bishaten we'll get to two stars. After completing the first few Key Quests we'll be tasked with hunting an Anjanath. After completing this quest there's multiple things we want to do.
We unlock Master Rank Jyuratodus which lets us craft Ironwall+3 jewels. We can also get Purecrystals now from mining in the Flooded Forest and use them to craft the Master Rank Ingot Greaves, a really solid leg piece we've used before.
Follower Quests also unlock here, letting us bring NPCs from Kamura Village and Elgado on hunts with us. We want to follow this questline by completing 'An Audience with the Queen' and 'Flicker in the Night' which unlocks the Squire armor set. The coil is particularly good and we'll be using it in our build.
Early Powerhouse Set

The Ingot Greaves and Squire pieces help us max out Attack Boost, a huge damage boost this early.
Keeping Protective Polish lets us maintain that nice white sharpness uptime. Remember to try and use the right Anti-Species deco for each monster.
The Golem In The Swamp - 3â
Garangolm is the first of the Three Lords of Elgado. Successfully hunting it brings us to Three Stars. With Garangolm comes a new locale: The Citadel, featuring a huge ruined castle, a thick muddy swamp and icy caves.
We can get new materials from Bonepiles and Mining Outcrops in The Citadel. Using these we'll upgrade our Lance to the Lost Babel Lance.
After doing the first few Key Quests we'll also unlock Aurora Somnacanth, a new Subspecies. Since there's not really much to craft at this rank we'll just focus on completing the remaining Key Quests.
Lost Babel Set

Lost Babel Lance is our only big upgrade here, significantly higher Raw damage makes it worth the grind.
Keeping the same armor setup since it works perfectly fine for this rank.
Ice Wolf, Red Moon - 4â
We're gonna get to fight the second lord of Elgado: the icy wolf Lunagaron. We want to craft its weapon and some armor pieces, so be prepared to hunt it a few times. The Lunagaron Lance is gonna be our first Lance with purple Sharpness.
Diablos shows up in the Key Quests here. Back in High Rank we used his chest piece for Guard and Offensive Guard. The Master Rank version is pretty much an upgraded version of it so we definitely want to craft it.
After completing a few Key Quests we'll unlock an Urgent Quest that brings back Astalos. Once you beat it, Utsushi will give you the final Switch Skills: Skyward Thrust and Sheathing Retreat. Check out the Switch Skills Guide to see how they work:
ð Switch Skills GuideAfter doing some more Key Quests, there's one more Urgent Quest. This time it's Espinas, a new monster from Frontier.
Lunagaron Frost Set

Our affinity is getting pretty solid now. Combined with Critical Boost 2, we are hitting way harder than before.
Protective Polish is crucial here to maintain that sweet purple sharpness, it makes a difference in longer fights.
Vampire Lord By Moonlight - 5â
To reach 5 stars we need to beat the third lord: the Elder Dragon Malzeno. He's the flagship monster of Sunbreak and one of the coolest fights in the game. All we do in this rank is use his materials to upgrade our Lunagaron Lance one more time.
After that we just need to complete the remaining Key Quests and Urgent Quests to finish the story. We still have Shagaru Magala and the final boss left to tackle.
Story Finale Set

Using Elder Dragon materials to boost our Lance's raw damage even further while keeping that nice 70% affinity.
This setup will carry you through the final story fights without any problems.
The Qurios Are Released - 6â
With beating Gaismagorm, the final boss of Sunbreak, we'll unlock 6 star quests. But don't worry, the game is far from over. There's still a lot of new monsters left to hunt. Risen Elders, new Subspecies, returning monsters and most importantly Anomaly Investigations.
Our next objective is to reach MR10 which will unlock a lot of new content and build options. Go check out the post story build section to see what we can do next:
ðĐļ Post Story Builds