Best lance builds for every playstyle!
Final Builds [MR 160+ / AR 241+]
These are the final Sunbreak End Game Builds. They make use of Fully Augmented Weapons, all armor pieces and the latest Decorations.
Most of these builds share some key requirements:
Full weapon augmentation with the maximum possible augment slots unlocked (AR 241+)
Access to endgame armor pieces, particularly from monsters like Risen Shagaru Magala, Primordial Malzeno, and Amatsu
All decorations, including Attack Boost+4 and Critical Eye+4 decorations
The core design philosophy for these builds focuses on maximizing damage while maintaining comfort and consistency.
Sharpness Management: Heaven-Sent vs Master's Touch
A key decision for any Lance build is how to handle sharpness management. We have two main approaches.
Heaven-Sent is the newer option, offering infinite sharpness and stamina while active. The skill triggers after avoiding knockback for a short period and remains until you get knocked back. Important notes:
Taking chip or getting hit with Intrepid Heart up doesn't count as getting Knocked Back and won't deactivate the skill'
The infinite stamina enables Maximum Might for affinity
More consistent than Master's Touch but locks you into the three Amatsu armor pieces
When you do take a solid hit, you completely lose sharpness management until the skill reactivates
Master's Touch is the traditional approach, preventing sharpness loss on critical hits. This offers:
More flexible armor choices
Consistent sharpness management even when taking hits
Can potentially fit more damage skills
Requires managing sharpness during long hunts
For most players, the choice comes down to playstyle and monster matchup. Heaven-Sent excels in fights where you can maintain good positioning and avoid direct hits, while Master's Touch provides more consistent performance across all situations. I tend to favor Heaven-Sent for monsters because it's more comfortable to play and I have the one shot protection for the cases where I do get hit.
Raw Meta
Raw builds are the foundation of endgame Lance play, offering consistent damage across all matchups. The endgame raw meta revolves around two options: A full raw blast build or the good old Kaktus build.
The Heaven-Sent Bazel build represents the highest potential raw damage in ideal conditions. By leveraging Maximum Might with Heaven-Sent's infinite stamina, we can overcome the weapon's negative affinity while maintaining its incredible raw damage. However, this build demands more precise play since losing Heaven-Sent means a significant drop in both sharpness and affinity.
Meanwhile, the Kaktus Lance builds offer more consistency and flexibility. The weapon's natural affinity and purple sharpness make it perfect for Master's Touch setups, and its combination of fire element and poison status means it can actually outperform Bazel against monsters with even modest fire weaknesses (10+ fire hitzone).
Choosing between Heaven-Sent and Master's Touch comes down to your comfort level and the specific hunt. Master's Touch builds maintain consistent performance even when taking hits, while Heaven-Sent offers higher peaks but requires better play to maintain its buffs.
Heaven-Sent - Seething Bazel ๐ฅ

The highest raw damage build in the game. We're taking advantage of bazel's massive base raw and using Heaven-sent's infinite stamina to enable Maximum Might, negating the negative affinity. While the damage potential is incredible, remember that both your sharpness management and affinity rely on maintaining Heaven-sent uptime.
The augment on the arms can also just be an Offensive Guard augment, though it's slightly more rare to get. You can slots+ away the latent power to get the double slot upgrade easily.
Infinite sharpness and stamina while active, enabling Maximum Might for affinity
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with a status augment
Matching anti-species is optimal. Can use growth rampage deco or teostra soul as alternatives
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Heaven-Sent - Kaktus ๐ต

A comfortable build using the Kaktus Lance. Unlike the Master's Touch version, we can't fit Coalescence and we can't max out Powder Mantle, but we gain the benefits of infinite sharpness. A solid choice when you want the utility of Kaktus with the comfort of never having to sharpen.
Infinite sharpness and stamina while active, enabling Maximum Might for affinity
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with an element augment
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Master's Touch - Teostra ๐ฅ

Without Heaven-sent, the negative affinity of the Bazel Lance becomes too costly to work around. Instead, we're using the Teostra Lance which trades some raw for built-in Blood Awakening levels. For more comfort skills, consider the Lucent Nargacuga Lance with a rampage slot upgrade - you'll lose some raw but gain flexibility for defensive skills.
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with a status augment
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Master's Touch - Kaktus ๐ต

This is the Kaktus Lance at its peak performance. Compared to our earlier progression builds, we're now maxing out both Powder Mantle and all other core skills. The higher average affinity also makes it more consistent in extended hunts. Perfect for players who want strong damage while maintaining the utility of both fire element and poison status.
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with an element augment
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Elemental Meta
Elemental builds in Sunbreak endgame come in three distinct flavors: comfy Heaven-sent builds, consistent Master's Touch builds, and the high-risk-high-reward Dereliction builds. While Dereliction enables the highest elemental damage output through Strife, it comes with a constant health drain that requires careful management.
If you're not comfortable with Dereliction's health drain, both Heaven-sent and Master's Touch offer strong alternatives. Master's Touch builds gain Blood Awakening which can provide higher damage peaks in matchups where you can consistently break parts. However, Heaven-sent builds tend to be more consistent overall and offer the comfort of infinite sharpness.
One important note: Elemental builds heavily rely on Leaping Thrust as your main damage dealer. When fighting monsters with good elemental hitzones (25+ preferred), these builds can significantly outperform raw builds. Guard Dash into Leaping Thrust should be your go-to combo for maximizing elemental damage output.
Heaven-Sent - Aknosom Fire ๐ฅ

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all core elemental skills plus Attack Boost 4, giving them strong consistent damage. For Fire, we're using the Aknosom Lance since it reaches higher element than Kaktus. While Kaktus is amazing for raw builds, its built-in affinity and sharpness make it less optimal for a Heaven-sent setup.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Heaven-Sent - Ludroth Water ๐ง

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all core elemental skills plus Attack Boost 4. The Ludroth Lance stands as the best water option in the game, surpassing even Mizutsune's lance in element values. Thanks to slot bonuses, reaching purple sharpness is straightforward.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Heaven-Sent - Narwa Thunder โก

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all core elemental skills plus Attack Boost 4. For Thunder, Narwa's lance dominates the category with no real competition. It's simply the best thunder lance available.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Heaven-Sent - Zamite Ice ๐ง

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all core elemental skills plus Attack Boost 4. The Zamite Lance proves itself as the premier ice option, combining strong raw stats, high element values, and access to purple sharpness.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Heaven-Sent - Primordial Dragon ๐

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all core elemental skills plus Attack Boost 4. Primordial Malzeno's lance stands uncontested as the best dragon option. Beyond its high element, it brings exceptional sharpness and outstanding slot options. The slots alone enable fitting additional Attack Boost or elemental skills, cementing its position above other dragon weapons.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Master's Touch - Kaktus Fire ๐ฅ

The Master's Touch builds manage to fit all core elemental skills and 2 levels of Blood Awakening. Using Blood Awakening effectively requires breaking monster parts to trigger healing. Some monsters have parts that break more easily than others - when you can break parts quickly, these builds can edge out Heaven-sent variants in damage.
For Fire we're using the Kaktus Lance here. Despite Aknosom having higher element, Kaktus's better sharpness and slots make it the superior choice for Master's Touch builds.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Master's Touch - Ludroth Water ๐ง

The Master's Touch builds manage to fit all core elemental skills and 2 levels of Blood Awakening. Using Blood Awakening effectively requires breaking monster parts to trigger healing. Some monsters have parts that break more easily than others - when you can break parts quickly, these builds can edge out Heaven-sent variants in damage.
The Ludroth Lance remains uncontested as the best water option. It reaches higher element values than Mizutsune's lance and its slot bonuses make purple sharpness easily accessible.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Master's Touch - Narwa Thunder โก

The Master's Touch builds manage to fit all core elemental skills and 2 levels of Blood Awakening. Using Blood Awakening effectively requires breaking monster parts to trigger healing. Some monsters have parts that break more easily than others - when you can break parts quickly, these builds can edge out Heaven-sent variants in damage.
Narwa's lance remains the undisputed champion of thunder element - no other thunder lance comes close in effectiveness.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Master's Touch - Zamite Ice ๐ง

The Master's Touch builds manage to fit all core elemental skills and 2 levels of Blood Awakening. Using Blood Awakening effectively requires breaking monster parts to trigger healing. Some monsters have parts that break more easily than others - when you can break parts quickly, these builds can edge out Heaven-sent variants in damage.
The Zamite Lance excels as the best ice lance, offering an ideal combination of high raw, strong element values, and purple sharpness access.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Master's Touch - Primordial Dragon ๐

The Master's Touch builds manage to fit all core elemental skills and 2 levels of Blood Awakening. Using Blood Awakening effectively requires breaking monster parts to trigger healing. Some monsters have parts that break more easily than others - when you can break parts quickly, these builds can edge out Heaven-sent variants in damage.
Primordial Malzeno's lance stands as the best dragon option available. Its combination of high dragon element, excellent sharpness, and exceptional slot layout allows for more skill flexibility than any other dragon lance.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll to benefit from Mail of Hellfire's percentage element increase

Dereliction - Aknosom Fire ๐ฅ

These are the strongest elemental builds in the game. Dereliction enables Strife 3, granting significant element and affinity boosts at the cost of constant health drain. We get Dereliction from the Archfiend legs, though a good Dereliction charm can work too. Bloodlust becomes essential to help manage the health drain - its healing upon overcoming frenzy helps offset Dereliction's cost.
The Aknosom Lance shines here with its high fire element, while purple sharpness ensures consistent damage output even with lower hit counts.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire and the flat raw boost from derelection

Dereliction - Ludroth Water ๐ง

These are the strongest elemental builds in the game. Dereliction enables Strife 3, granting significant element and affinity boosts at the cost of constant health drain. We get Dereliction from the Archfiend legs, though a good Dereliction charm can work too. Bloodlust becomes essential to help manage the health drain - its healing upon overcoming frenzy helps offset Dereliction's cost.
The Ludroth Lance remains the top water option, beating out Mizutsune's lance in element values while maintaining easy access to purple sharpness through slot bonuses.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire and the flat raw boost from derelection

Dereliction - Narwa Thunder โก

These are the strongest elemental builds in the game. Dereliction enables Strife 3, granting significant element and affinity boosts at the cost of constant health drain. We get Dereliction from the Archfiend legs, though a good Dereliction charm can work too. Bloodlust becomes essential to help manage the health drain - its healing upon overcoming frenzy helps offset Dereliction's cost.
Narwa's lance dominates the thunder category with no real competition - it's simply the best thunder option in the game by a significant margin.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire and the flat raw boost from derelection

Dereliction - Zamite Ice ๐ง

These are the strongest elemental builds in the game. Dereliction enables Strife 3, granting significant element and affinity boosts at the cost of constant health drain. We get Dereliction from the Archfiend legs, though a good Dereliction charm can work too. Bloodlust becomes essential to help manage the health drain - its healing upon overcoming frenzy helps offset Dereliction's cost.
The Zamite Lance excels as the top ice option, delivering an optimal mix of high raw, strong element values, and purple sharpness access.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire and the flat raw boost from derelection

Dereliction - Primordial Dragon ๐

These are the strongest elemental builds in the game. Dereliction enables Strife 3, granting significant element and affinity boosts at the cost of constant health drain. We get Dereliction from the Archfiend legs, though a good Dereliction charm can work too. Bloodlust becomes essential to help manage the health drain - its healing upon overcoming frenzy helps offset Dereliction's cost.
Primordial Malzeno's lance stands uncontested as the best dragon option. Its combination of high dragon element, strong sharpness, and exceptional slot layout provides unmatched flexibility.
Maximize element augments (8 slots), then fill remaining slots with raw
Use Elembane when targeting โฅ25 element hitzones that you can focus well, otherwise go with matching anti-species
Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire and the flat raw boost from derelection

Fun Builds
While these builds might not top the DPS charts, they offer unique and entertaining playstyles that can spice up your hunting experience. Each build focuses on a specific gimmick or mechanic that changes how you approach fights. While not optimal for speedruns, they're perfectly viable for regular hunts and can be surprisingly effective in the right situations.
Evasion - Lucent Nargacuga ๐ฆ

This build explores a different side of Lance play, focusing on evades instead of blocks. We're using the Lucent Nargacuga Lance for its excellent slots, allowing us to fit evasion-focused skills like Status Trigger and Adrenaline Rush. When Status Trigger activates, we apply Poison on every hit, triggering Buildup Boost constantly for impressive damage numbers.
The catch is that Lance typically performs better using blocks to trigger Offensive Guard and set up Cross Slash counters. To get the most from this build, you'll need to find the right balance between blocking and evading - block the big hits, but evade through attacks when you can safely trigger your buffs.
We are going for a rampage slot upgrade so we can fit anti species rampage decorations. Then fill the rest with raw augments.
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Sleep - Melahoa ๐ค

The Melahoa Lance leads the pack for sleep weapons with decent raw and purple sharpness. While sleep status might seem less useful than paralysis at first glance, it opens up some interesting strategies - especially with a Greatsword user in the party who can capitalize on wake-up hits.
Some monsters also have openings for Skyward Thrust right after their wake-up roar, making this build surprisingly effective for landing big hits. Just coordinate with your team to make the most of the sleep openings.
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with a status augment
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Paralysis - Chaos โกโก

The Chaos Lance offers the best paralysis values, though you'll have to work around its blue sharpness. Paralysis remains one of the most useful status effects in multiplayer hunts, creating openings for your entire team. However, the lower base stats of paralysis weapons mean you're trading significant personal damage for team utility.
We are going for a rampage slot upgrade so we can fit anti species rampage decorations. Then fill the rest with raw augments.
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire

Silkbind Boost - Amatsu ๐ช๏ธ

This build capitalizes on the Amatsu Lance's unique weapon skill that boosts Silkbind Attack damage by 10%. While slightly weaker than standard Buildup Boost builds in normal gameplay, it can produce some impressive numbers with Spiral Thrust and Skyward Thrust. Perfect for hunters who love their Silkbind moves and want to see some big damage numbers.
Add 4 raw augments then fill the last slot with an element augment
Matching anti-species rampage deco is optimal
Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire