New World/Iceborne Progression Guide
View New World/Iceborne Progression Guide

Check out the new Iceborne Progression Guide, from Low Rank, all the way to Fatalis.
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The ⚔️ number shows Effective Raw (EFR), representing average damage output based on Affinity, Sharpness, Crit Boost and other skills. It helps compare progression builds.
These are very challenging fights. MR 100 gives access to Guiding Lands materials, Rarity 12 Health Augments, and strong Charms needed to tackle them effectively.
Guard 3 becomes necessary in High Rank endgame, while Guard 5 is needed for Iceborne endgame fights. Earlier monsters can be managed with lower Guard levels using Power Guard.
Guard Up requires either Uragaan set bonus (weak armor) or a rare decoration. It's not worth building around until after completing Iceborne's story.
Lance has poor elemental modifiers, and endgame lances have high Raw that outclasses elemental options. Alatreon requires elemental weapons, for which we recommend Frostfang Barioth, Safi, or Alatreon lances.
Rise/Sunbreak Speedrun Playlist
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Progression guides and lance mechanics
Early and mid-game progression support
Tested all monster attacks against Guard Up mechanics