Low Rank
Low Rank
Start your lance journey with these efficient early builds!
Lance is a great defensive weapon in Monster Hunter World that offers good stability and consistent damage through its powerful shield and precise pokes.
It really doesn't matter what you wear in Low Rank, since you will most likely go through it in a few hours and the skills you will be able to get aren't gonna make a big difference. If you still need some guidance, here are a few example builds and tips.
Defender/Guardian Gear
Defender Weapons and Guardian Armor are special gear added to help players rush through base game content to reach Iceborne. They're incredibly powerful and trivialize much of the challenge in Low and High Rank.
I recommend avoiding these on your first playthrough. Exploring different weapon trees, learning monster patterns, and crafting situational armor sets are all essential parts of the Monster Hunter experience. The journey of overcoming challenges and crafting gear from your conquests is what makes Monster Hunter special.
That said, the choice is yours. This guide will focus on standard progression without Defender/Guardian gear.
Starting Low Rank - 2⭐
Your early focus should be gathering materials from all sources: mining outcrops, bone piles, and of course, monster parts. These resources will form the foundation of your early gear.
For your weapon, start with the Bone Tree. It's easy to upgrade and has good raw damage, a stat Lance particularly benefits from. Upgrading to Bone Lance II is your first priority.
After defeating Great Jagras and Kulu-Ya-Ku, you can mix their armor with Bone pieces for a decent early set.
Starter Set

This early setup focuses on raw damage with the Bone Lance II, which offers good damage for minimal materials. The mixed armor set provides basic defensive skills and a touch of offensive capability through Critical Eye and Attack Boost.
Health Boost from the Alloy Vambraces gives extra survivability, while Fortify from the Bone Greaves can turn those inevitable early carts into a damage advantage. Don't worry about charm optimization at this point - just focus on learning lance fundamentals and gathering materials.
Middle Of Low Rank - 3/4⭐
As you unlock the Wildspire Waste, take advantage of the new gathering spots to collect materials for upgrading your lance. The Bone Lance III and eventually Hard Bone Lance I provide significant improvements in damage output without requiring rare monster parts.
While the armor options at 3-4 stars aren't particularly exciting for lance users, focus on upgrading your defense when needed. The extra survivability will help you learn monster patterns without constant carting.
After reaching the Coral Highlands, you'll receive a Defense Charm and unlock the ability to craft additional charms. The Ironside Charm I is particularly valuable for lance users, providing a level of Guard that noticeably reduces stamina consumption and knockback when blocking attacks. The Attack Charm I and Health Charm I are also solid options if you prefer more offensive or defensive capabilities.
Finishing Low Rank - 5⭐
As you reach 5-star quests, you'll unlock Monster Bone+, allowing you to upgrade to the Hard Bone Lance II. This weapon offers a significant boost in raw damage and will serve you well through the end of Low Rank.
First we craft the Ingot Vambraces giving us a level of Health Boost using the newly collected minerals. After fighting Odogaron you might want to craft it's coil for some extra Affinity and lastly there is Rathalos which unlocks a new cool helmet and chest piece. Crafting the chest needs a Rathalos Plate, which is a rare drop, so I wouldn't bother crafting it unless you get the plate first try because there will be better armor pieces available soon.
If you find yourself farming Odogaron, consider crafting its lance as well. The Odium lance features natural white sharpness in High Rank and will be a solid option later in your progression.
Ready For High Rank

The Hard Bone Lance II balances high raw damage with decent sharpness, making short work of Low Rank monsters. Our mixed set now includes the Ingot Vambraces for Health Boost and pieces that add Critical Eye and Attack Boost for increased damage output.
The Ironside Charm I provides a crucial level of Guard, significantly improving your defensive capabilities. This setup offers a solid balance of offense and defense that will carry you through the remainder of Low Rank with confidence.
What's Next?
The final challenge of Low Rank is repelling Zorah Magdaros. This massive siege battle is more about spectacle than difficulty, but it formally marks your transition to High Rank. After completing this assignment, you'll unlock 6-star quests and gain access to High Rank monsters, materials, and equipment.
💠 High Rank Builds