Clutch Claw

Clutch Claw

Learn to integrate clutch claw attacks into your lance gameplay!

The Clutch Claw is a core mechanic introduced in the Iceborne expansion that enhances every hunter's toolkit. It allows for increased damage output, better monster control, and creates new offensive opportunities. For Lance users, the Clutch Claw integrates naturally with your defensive capabilities, offering unique advantages.

This guide covers both the universal Clutch Claw mechanics and Lance-specific techniques that will improve your hunting efficiency.

Tenderize Attack

Tenderizing monster parts increases their hitzone values, meaning you'll deal more damage to softened areas. Additionally, the Weakness Exploit skill was adjusted in Iceborne to provide 30% affinity on weakspots (HZV ≥ 45) and an additional 20% on tenderized parts. To get the full 50% affinity bonus, you'll need to tenderize the monster's weakpoints.

Tenderizing Teostra

This clip shows a tenderize attack during a Teostra's clagger animation, creating a safe opportunity to soften its head.

Lance performs a heavy tenderize attack that fully softens a part in one application. This is more efficient than weapons that require two applications to achieve full tenderizing. While Lance doesn't naturally drop slinger ammo when tenderizing (as light weapons do), this isn't a significant drawback since Lance doesn't heavily rely on slinger ammo for its core gameplay.

If you do want slinger ammo drops from tenderizing, you can add the Clutch Claw Boost decoration to your build.

Monsters frequently enter a "clagger" state (similar to a flinch) where they pause briefly. Using the Clutch Claw during this window extends the clagger duration, giving you a safe opportunity to tenderize. For already tenderized parts, you can briefly clutch on and hop off to reset and extend the clagger, maintaining a safe opening for teammates.


The Clutch Claw enables partial control over monster movement and aggression. By clutching onto a monster's head and turning it (up to 3 times), you can make it enrage. This is useful for activating the Agitator skill, which is particularly strong in Iceborne due to how frequently monsters can be enraged.

Monster rage status is indicated by the eye icon on your minimap:

  • Yellow Eye: Monster is calm (can be wallbanged)

  • Red Eye: Monster is enraged (no wallbangs possible)

  • Purple Eye: Monster hasn't detected you (Ghillie Mantle, Smoke Bomb, etc.)

Wallbanging Nergigante

This clip demonstrates a successful wallbang on Nergigante, creating a significant opening for damage or tenderizing.

When a monster isn't enraged (yellow eye icon) and you have slinger ammo, you can clutch onto its head and fire your slinger to make it run forward. If it collides with a wall, it will take damage and fall down as shown in the clip above. This creates a valuable opening for either dealing damage or tenderizing parts.

You can also use the flinch shot (making the monster run forward) to redirect aggro in multiplayer hunts, which can be especially useful against monsters like Safi'jiiva.

Guard Shot

Guard Shot is a Lance-specific technique where you hold your shield up while aiming your slinger. This stance allows you to block incoming attacks while maintaining the ability to quickly fire slinger ammo or transition to other techniques.

Guard Shot Screamer Pod

This clip shows how Guard Shot can be used to safely and quickly deploy a Screamer Pod against the burrowed Diablos.

Guard Shot uses your normal guard level (no additional guard boost) but offers two significant advantages:

  • Allows quick rotation in any direction while guarding

  • Provides immediate access to slinger functionality without dropping your guard

This technique is particularly useful for safely using utility slinger ammo like Flash Pods or Screamer Pods, or as a setup for the Clutch Counter technique.

Clutch Claw Counter

The Clutch Claw Counter is one of Lance's most useful Iceborne techniques. You can enter this stance from Guard Shot by pressing the high poke button, or from a Counter stance by pressing the Clutch Claw button. Similar to Power Guard, you consume stamina over time while in this stance.

Clutch Claw Counter in Action

This clip demonstrates how Clutch Claw Counter can turn a blocked attack into a tenderizing opportunity, in this case targeting Nargacuga's tail.

When hit by a close-range attack while in this stance, you'll block the hit and automatically grapple onto the monster at the point of impact. Once attached, you can choose to tenderize, or when on the head, also turn the monster or wallbang it.

What makes this technique particularly valuable is the hyper armor you gain during the grapple. This reduces damage taken and prevents interruption from monster attacks, making it a safe way to tenderize in situations that would normally be too risky.

Clutch Claw Counter works best against physical attacks rather than projectiles or breath weapons, and is most effective when you want to tenderize the part that's attacking you.